In the WORKOFO system, it is possible to change manager roles.

The default roles:

- View only

- Schedule manager who optimizes the schedule and administrating it during the month.

Based on the organization request new roles can be added (for example):
- Limit the editing for addition hours settings
- Limit the editing for salaries information
- Add two level schedule approval, then new role appear (manager who is initiating schedule approval and who is approving the schedule)

If you can't find the exact role based on the examples, please contact the WORKOFO system support.

How to add different roles to the manager?

1. Open the manager view.

2. Press on the manager's name/surname.

3.1. If the manager has the organization manager role, then you can add different permissions based on the organization level. For example, the most common is that for accountants only the view role should be enabled.

Take off the check box from the Organization admin if you want to use only view mode for the selected manager (only one permission should be selected).

3.2. If the manager has access only to the specific schedules, he needs to open the Site Groups tab.

3.3. Then in the new window based on the exact group you can administrate the permissions. For example, the manager can edit his group but can only view, other groups without editing options.

If you want to add only view only permision, the the other permisions should be disabled. It means that check box near the permision name should be inactive.

4. After the change is made you can close the window and changes will be applied to the selected manager.