Lending employees means moving an employee to another group for the set period of time in the month. The lending of an empoyee is marked in the work schedule on a specific date. 

We recommend completing a lending of an employee in the work schedule mode - Availability only 

Steps to be taken to lend an employee:

1. Click the selected employee and the day window in the work schedule

2. Choose Lend employee from the list 

3. Choose the following in a new window:

a) Group to which the employee is to be lent

b) Employee job position (based on the position, activities and skills to be performed by the employee is to be selected, if such a configuration is available in the system)

c) Working hours to be allocated per day. Choose if working hours are to be calculated from the employee's norm of working hours (from the main hours) or as overtime (extra hours)

4. Click Lend employee.

A green success message will inform of a successful lending.

Having clicked on the next day's window, the saved lending settings will appear under options. This allows completing other days faster, skipping steps 3 and 4.

The lent day of the employee will be marked separately in the work schedule. On the selected day, the employee will be scheduled in the selected group. 

Lent employees will appear in the list of employees in the schedule of the group (to which he was lent). All unlent days will be marked as unavailable for scheduling.

Clicking on the completed window allows stopping the lending . Managers of both groups can stop lending.